Service # 1 in parcel
delivery from the USA

Shipping by air$8.95/kg.Econom delivery$6.5/kg.Express Sea$4.99/kg.Redemption of goods10% Sign up

Economy delivery - more shopping, less spending!

Easyxpress referral program - invite a friend and get a bonus!

Get cashback on your purchases in the US!

  • 11 years

    experience in parcel delivery

  • 99%

    satisfied customers

  • >3 300

    positive reviews

  • >170 000

    regular clients

  • >2, 5 mln

    delivered parcels

Shipping from the USA:: :

Examples of goods from the USA

How it works?

  1. Get a USA shipping address

    Register and get a personal USA shipping address for online purchases.

  2. Order goods in an online shop

    Shop online in the United States and use the address you received as your shipping address.

  3. Register parcels in your personal account

    Within a few days, a tracking number will be sent to your email. ALWAYS register the parcel in the New Parcel section in your personal profile on the site.

  4. Receive parcels in a convenient way

    Pick up the parcel at our office or arrange delivery by Nova Poshta

Track the parcel

Just enter the tracking number of the parcel and press Enter

Expected in US warehouse
Delivery date
Delivered to US warehouse
Received to USA Time
Sent to Ukraine
prepared for shipping date
Expected time
Sent to Ukraine
Expected time
Received in Ukraine
Received to UA Time
Transferred to courier
Transferred to courier Time
Delivered time
Not Found
HOW DO I KNOW THE TRACKING NUMBER OF THE PARCEL? The track code will be sent to you by e-mail within 1-5 days from the date of purchase

Fees and delivery terms

We have optimized our business processes in order to reduce the cost of services while maintaining a high service quality.

After receiving your order, we track and control its delivery. We will show you how to minimize the shipping expenses, making sure that the weight and value of the parcel do not exceed the customs limit.

Please note that delivery across Ukraine is carried out by Nova Poshta and its cost corresponds to the rates of this company.


    • Rate

      8.95 $/kg.
    • Delivery term

      4–6 working days from the date of the shipment from the USA
      *excluding customs delays
    • Minimum weight

      300 g.

    • Rate

      6.50 $/kg.
    • Delivery term

      20-30 working days from the date of the shipment from the USA
      *excluding customs delays
    • Minimum cost

  • Express Sea shipping

    • Rate

      4.99 $/kg.
    • Delivery term

      5 weeks from the date of the shipment from the USA
      *excluding customs delays
    • Minimum cost

      $17.5 minimum estimated weight 3.5 kg.

Our Services


Shipping by air from the USA is the fastest and most convenient way to receive your purchases. Parcels are delivered within 4–6 working days from the date of dispatch, and the cost is USD 8.95/kg.

Parcle Ordering
Additional services

Cost of delivery: 0$

Cost of additional services: 0$

Customs clearance cost: 0$

Cost in UAH: 0

Cost: 0$


Delivery of goods by the "Express Sea" service is the most budgetary way to receive your purchases, delivery time is 5 weeks from the date of dispatch, the cost is $4.99/kg. The minimum estimated weight is 3.5 kg, the minimum cost is $17.5.

Parcle Ordering
Additional services

Cost of delivery: 0$

Cost of additional services: 0$

Customs clearance cost: 0$

Cost in UAH: 0

Cost: 0$


Do not have time to figure out how to order goods in the USA? Cards from Ukrainian banks are not accepted? Goods cannot be delivered to an American address? Use the Redemption of goods service.

Parcle Ordering
Additional services

Cost of delivery: 0$

Cost of additional services: 0$

Customs clearance cost: 0$

commission: 0$

Cost in UAH: 0

Cost: 0$


Economy delivery provides an opportunity to deliver goods that are prohibited for standard air transportation, but allowed for sea transportation.. Cost of delivery is cheaper than air freight and is $6.5/kg. The delivery time is 20-30 working days.

Parcle Ordering
Additional services

Cost of delivery: 0$

Cost of additional services: 0$

Customs clearance cost: 0$

Cost in UAH: 0

Cost: 0$

Mobile Our Services Range

Let's do it in 3 clicks! !!

  1. Register and get an address in the USA
  2. Do shopping
  3. Get a parcel in Ukraine


  • What can I order from the USA?

    Everything from children's toys to car parts, except for what is on the list of prohibited items. Should you have any doubts about the possibility of delivering goods from the USA to Ukraine, please contact our managers, and we will answer your questions.

  • Can I order from online stores not listed in the catalog?

    You can! You can choose any American or worldwide online stores.

    To deliver the goods, it must be possible to pay for them and for the store to deliver them to the address of our warehouse.

    A word of advice from our experts: if you are planning to make a purchase in a new store and are not sure if everything will go smoothly, contact us and we will answer all your questions.

  • What is the minimum and maximum weight of a parcel?

    There is no minimum parcel weight. You can order anything. The minimum estimated weight for shipping by air is 300 g. Thus, any parcel weighing less than that will be counted as 300 g. Anything that weighs more will be calculated at the rate of USD 8.95 per kg. The minimum cost of air delivery is USD 2.69. The minimum estimated weight for shipping by sea is 3.5 kg. Thus, any parcel weighing less than that will be counted as 3.5 kg. Anything that weighs more will be calculated at the rate of USD 4.99 per kg. The minimum shipping cost is USD 17.5.

    Weight Cost
    0–300 g USD 2.69 (air) / USD 17.5 (sea)
    400 g USD 3.58 (air) / USD 17.5 (sea)
    1 kg 175 g USD 10.52 (air) / USD 17.5 (sea)
    4 kg USD 35.8 (air) / USD 19.96 (sea)

    The maximum weight of one parcel (one piece!) that can be sent by air is 30 kg (66 lb). The maximum weight of one parcel (one piece!) that can be sent by sea is 50 kg (110 lbs). The maximum permissible length of parcel packaging is

    up to 1.5 m for air delivery;

    up to 2 m for sea delivery.

    Parcels with dimensions exceeding the above values can be sent to Ukraine as commercial cargo. Conditions and rates are agreed in advance.

  • How do I pay for EasyXpress services?

    There are several methods:

    • Cash to the courier upon delivery
    • Cash or card at our office in Kyiv upon customer pickup
    • Online on the website in your personal account
    • Cash on delivery upon receipt at the courier company
  • What costs are included in the purchase and delivery of goods?

    The total cost of your purchase consists of:

    1. The price of goods you choose.
    2. American tax, if any (Sales tax or Tax).
    3. Shipping costs of delivery within the USA, if any (from the seller to our warehouse).
    4. The cost of delivery from the USA to Ukraine (Kyiv).
    5. The cost of the guarantee service if it was chosen when registering a new parcel.
    6. The cost of customs services, if necessary (according to the Customs Law of Ukraine).
    7. The cost of delivery of your goods within Ukraine, if necessary (carried out by courier companies).

all questions and answers

We offer favorable terms of cooperation

Fill out the application form for cooperation and you will be contacted shortly


For private customers

  • We are responsible for the parcel from the moment we receive it at the warehouse in the USA. We recommend UPS, FeDex, DHL, Lasership for delivery of your parcels within the USA
  • We carry out full video monitoring of the parcel receipt and processing
  • We make calculations only by the gross weight of the parcel
  • Our warehouse is located in a USA tax-free state, which allows you to save 7% on each purchase
  • The pick-up office is located in the center of Kyiv, 50 m away from the subway station

For corporate customers

  • A personal manager who supports you atevery stage of cargo delivery
  • Individual approach to each customer
  • Personal rates
  • Delivery of parcels and commercial cargo by air and sea

Speed and quality guaranteed

Sign up
American address int he TAX-FREE state of Delaware

Which allows you to save up to 7% on your purchase due to the absence of sales tax.

Support from Shopping experts of the US online shopping

Our experts are ready to answer all your questions and provide assistance with your purchase.

Guarantee service for your parcels

All your parcels are insured for up to USD 60. You can also choose the additional protection option, which will cover the entire cost of the parcel.



Рекомендую воспользоваться данной компанией всем, кому нужно облегчить процесс доставки из Америки! Отличный сервис.

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

Отличная компания, приятные сотрудники - профессионалы !))пока никаких проблем небыло, все нравится ) быстро и удобно

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

Хочеться подякувати всім працівникам, менеджерам EasyXpress. Завжди були на зв`язку,привітні, вчасно інформували про локацію посилки. Все прийшло вчасно і непошкоджене, за це окреме"дякую" . Всім рекомендую їхні послуги ! Ще раз дякую)

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

Большое вам спасибо!!!Случайно увидела тут рекламу этого перевозчика.Впервые заказала в США-получили вещи.Довольна и качеством,и главное,сервисом доставки.Быстро,удобно и сотрудники компании-перевозчика всегда отвечают на любые вопросы.Очень довольна!Успехов вам!

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

Впервые заказывала через эту компанию. Дозвонилась к ним с первого раза, посылка из США + новой почтой дошла за 7 дней. Заказывала с опасением так как есть плохие отзывы, но всё оказалось супер! Информацию о движении посылке обновляли почти сразу. Спасибо Вам! Буду заказывать ещё!

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

Очень часто заказываю обувь, очень нравится, что есть услуга перепаковки в пакет коробки, что значительно влияет на общий и вес и стоимость за доставку, услуга бесплатная, это очень приятно, спасибо за удобства.

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

Очень благодарна вашей компании за качественное обслуживание, очень давно пользуюсь вашими услугами и проблем не было НИКОГДА, всем знакомым советую!!!Вы лучшие!!!

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Заказал 1-вую посылку и через 9 дней получил)))) спасибо за сервис

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Отлично работаете!!! Сервис даже лучше, чем я ожидал. Спасибо! Рекомендовал Вас уже всем своим друзьям.

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

Обожаю вас,ребята! Вы лучшие!!! Заказываю уже около 2 лет,все приходит вовремя, ничего не теряется,менеджеры в офисе очень приятные,всегда помогут!!все,как говорится,"без сучка-без задоринки"!)))) Успехов вам,процветания и адекватных клиентов!!!))))

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

Заказываю посылки через изиэкспресс примерно пол года. в основном все приходило без задержек, иногда даже быстрее указанного срока, очень это радует. Буду продолжать пользоваться , спасибо за работу )))

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

Вже довгий час користуюсь сервісом. Перший відгук не відобразився, але хочу подякувати за замовлення. Замовив на columbia за допомогою викупу. Задоволений і виправдали сподівання!

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Отлична служба доставки . Все приходит в свои сроки . Всегда подскажут и помогут решить вопрос . Рекомендую всем своим друзья и сама буду заказывать через вас ещё не один раз.

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Впервые воспользовалась вашими услугами. Неожиданно быстро и беспроблемно. Отличный сервис. Спасибо.

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

Спасибо за быструю, качественную доставку. Пользуюсь вашими услугами не впервый раз и всегда остаюсь довольной)

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

Была небольшая задержка с пересылкой, но все проблемы оперативно решили. Несмотря на заминку и плохие погодные условия в США, получилось гораздо быстрее и дешевле других перевозчиков. Очень порадовала поддержка, которая всегда на связи и мгновенно отвечает на вопросы. Простая и прозрачная ценовая политика. Достаточно информативный сайт и система отслеживания. Оценка 5/5, спасибо за сервис.

delivery parcels from USA to ukraine

EasyXpress is an international company

Do you prefer to shop online? You probably know the importance of timely delivery of goods and cargo from the United States to Ukraine as quickly and safely as possible at favorable rates. If you have never purchased anything from online stores in the United States, you have a great opportunity to plunge into the world of American shopping via the Internet. And for those who have already appreciated all its advantages, there is an excellent opportunity to do it profitably together with EasyXpress!

Open unlimited shopping opportunities and express delivery of goods from the USA with EasyXpress!

Shopping in American stores is 40–50% cheaper than in Ukrainian ones.

Own exclusive items that cannot be found in Ukrainian online stores.

Buy goods even in those online stores in the United States that do not deliver to Ukraine.

Deliver parcels from the United States promptly and at a competitive price.

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Совсем скоро Личный Кабинет станет лучше и круче! Зарегистрируйтесь сейчас и начните шоппинг в США :)